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Weekly Inspiration:

Life is a Challenge ----- Meet it.  Life is a Gift ----- Accept it.   Life is Adventure ----- Dare it.
Life is Sorrow  ----- Overcome it.   Life is a Tragedy ----- Overcome it.  Life is a Duty ----- Perform it.
Life is a Game ----- Play it.   Life is a Mystery ----- Unfold it.   Life is a Song ----- Sing it.
Life is Opportunity ----- Take it.  Life is a Journey ----- Complete it.   Life is Beauty ----- Praise it.
Life is a Struggle ----- Fight it.   Life is a Goal ----- Achieve it.  Life is a Puzzle ----- Solve it.
Life is LOVE ----- Love it.

Our Father God is attainable ------ Reach HIGH for Him!  For with Him! NOTHING is impossible. Continue to learn to Living the Gospel. 

Pastor's Corner: Welcome
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