Non Denominational
A Christian Church of Jesus Christ; Free from Traditional/ religious theology or denominational policies that are focused on methodology rather than divine purpose. Teaching His truth and operating the governmental economy of God; maturing into His expressions. Believing the holy bible as the infallible Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Teaching Eastern Christianity.

Our Mission
St. Mary's is a non denomination church, a territory in The Body of Christ whose mission to teach the truth of God to all peoples; to carry forth the mission of the church according to the command of Matthew 28:19; to bring mankind to inward parts of subjection to God; to be an (Ephesians 4) 5 fold ministry knowing that there is a higher calling for all who will answer and live the sacrificial life. Believing the original design of God. Believing the original design of God. Is for all mankind.
Our Value's

It recognizes the divinity of all men and endeavors to promote the (good) through constructive thinking and high ideals. Keeping it's standards high through the Word of God and study, by developing normally a consciousness of TRUTH.
INVITATION: St.Mary's Grand Holy Tabernacle, Reorganized, Non- Denominational is a christian church, loving, warm,friendly, and supportive community of believers.
Transformation: We are open to change by the promoting and moving of the Holy Spirit, to ignite love, seek restoration, forgiveness, deliverance, and accepting God's wholeness through faith in Jesus Christ. Living one's life divinely spiritual through spiritual (inward) transformation, and steady application. Not by superficial religious activities following natural reasoning and unregenerate intellect.

Vision Statement
We, as the people of God, proclaim Christ is the center of life; Head of the Universal Church, offering unconditional love( with promises having conditions), forgiveness, restoration and wholeness, in a community where people are taught, and disciples are made. Doctrine of belief stand for brotherhood( peoples) of the liberal sense, based upon the Christian Bible.